A Survivor Story: Krissy

Krissy is a 45-year-old mother of three. Her main goal in sharing her story is to continue her journey to healing and hopefully help someone else heal.  I then went to close the side door, and he pushed me in.  I couldn't understand what was going on.  He then grabbed my hands and threw me to the floor of the van.  He…


A Survivor Story: Marianne Harris’ Victim Impact Statement

After writing and rewriting my impact statement for sentencing, this is my finished product. I felt it needed to be more personal and what he did to me needs to be known. "Your Honor, My name is Marianne Harris. I am 40 years old. I met Dennis in early September of 2006. I was 28 years old. My ex-husband was arrested just…


Discrediting My Trauma: The Power of Belief and the Harm of Doubt

It's only three words, yet it can be the difference between a more or less traumatic recovery: "I believe you." What you don't understand is the inner turmoil we have already endured to even say what happened to us out loud. For days, months, even years, we wrestled internally about whether what happened to us was actually abuse or assault. Perpetrators use…


A Letter to My Abuser

Dear Travis, I used to cry in pain and agony, praying one day you would apologize for what you put me through. I used to think if you apologized, it would somehow relieve me of the baggage I obtained during our relationship. However, as I have grown and healed, I have not only realized that I do not need an apology from…


In the Face of Lies: How I Conquered My Abuser in Court

A lot of things were going through my mind. Would he show up? Would he deny everything? Would he attempt to discredit me? What will the judge decide? My boyfriend picked me up from work and went with me to the hearing. I clenched his hand in the car and tried to keep my mind off of what was about to happen.…


Taking a Stand: Filing for Protection After Years of Abuse

The last time I spoke with Travis, I told him that if he reached out to me again, I would contact the police. The day after reading his message, I went to the sheriff’s department and spoke with an officer.  He suggested I file a domestic restraining order. He also let me know that in the meantime, they had on record that…


A Message from Him: Confronting the Ghosts of My Past

It was a typical evening at home. I was checking my personal and business email while watching TV when there it was - in black in white - taking up space in MY email. It was a message from Travis and it was sent to my "Contact Us" form via survivorhood.org. Though I have him blocked on all social media, my phone,…


The Weight of Unseen Tears

I used to walk the streets at ease,Going where I wanted as I pleased.My plans were endless, without distress,I walked around just like the rest.I went to the movies with my friends,Never expecting my peace to end.You stole my security and my innocence,All because of your impotence.Never again will I be the same,Yet, for so many reasons, I am blamed.What did I…